Avrasya - MENA Demir Çelik Zirvesi
EBY International tarafından 22-23 Ocak 2013 tarihlerinde Ataköy Sheraton Hotel'de düzenlenecek olan Eurasia MENA (Avrasya - MENA) Demir Çelik Zirvesi sektöre önemli bir hareketlilik kazandıracak.

EBY International tarafından 22-23 Ocak 2013 tarihlerinde Ataköy Sheraton Hotel'de düzenlenecek olan Eurasia MENA (Avrasya - MENA) Demir Çelik Zirvesi sektöre önemli bir hareketlilik kazandıracak.
EBY International tarafından 22-23 Ocak 2013 tarihlerinde Ataköy Sheraton Hotel'de düzenlenecek olan Eurasia MENA (Avrasya - MENA) Demir Çelik Zirvesi sektöre önemli bir hareketlilik kazandıracak. Yurt dışından ve yurt içinden çok değerli konuşmacıların ve katılımcıların yer alacağı organizasyon Türk Demir Çelik Sektörü açısından büyük önem taşıyor. KAYIT İÇİN: +90 212 543 93 05 - [email protected]
Organizasyonun güncel programı şu şekildedir:
DAY 1 / Opening : 08.30 / 09.10
Mr. Veysel Yayan, Secretary General, Iron & Steel Producers Association of Turkey
Mr. Namik Ekinci, President, Steel Exporters Associaton of Turkey,
Mr. Zafer Caglayan, Republic of Turkey Minister of Economy, To be confirmed
Panel 1 : 09.10 - 10.50 Flat Product
Responding to changing demand from the automotive and white goods industry
Mr. Ugur Dalbeler, Chief Executive Officer, Colakoglu Metallurgy, Panel Chair
Mr. J. Y. Sung, President, China Steel
Mr. Godfrey Watt, Chairman, International Steel Trade Association
Mr. Mehmet Cakmur, Sales Director, MMK Metalurgy
Coffee Break : 10.50 – 11.10
Panel 2 : 11.10 – 12.50
The Steel Industry Today
Mr. Igal Zakuto, Deputy CEO, Arcelor Mittal Turkey, Panel Chair
Mr. Christer Lindqvist, Chief Executive Officer, Nordic Iron Ore
Mr. Omer Faruk Bayhan, Sales and Marketing Director, Erdemir Group
Mr. Baris Ciftci, Manager, Steel Business Analysis, World Steel Association
Mr. Johann Kriechmair, Vice President, Integrated Plants Technology, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies, Austria Innovative Solutions and Future Trends - Changes for a Competitive Industry Speaker from SMS Siemag
Lunch : 12.50 - 14.00
Panel 3 : 14.00 - 14.30 World Economic Outlook & Steel Hedging
Mr. Ibrahim Abe Ulusal, Mitsui Bussan Commodities Inc. (USA)
Panel 4 : 14.30 – 16.00 Long Product
Railways, construction projects, pipelines as a major consumer of steel
Mr. Fadil Demirel, Managing Director, Kardemir
Mr. Ashish Anupam, Chief Marketing & Sales, Tata Steel
Mr. N A Ansari, Executive Director, Jindal Steel
Mr. Hajime Yoshida, General Manager, Sales&Marketing Division, JP Steel Plantech Co
Coffee Break : 16.00 – 16.30 / Round Table Meeting Session 16.30 – 18.30
Day 2
Panel 1 : 09.00 – 09.40
Freight Markets and Expectations The Worlds Shipbuilding Industry and Global Logistic Solutions
Mr. Levent Karacelik, President, Marvel Shipping, Panel Chair
Mr. Can Onen, Captain, Statushipping
Panel 2 : 09.40 – 10.40 Energy for Steel Growth
Speaker from Messer Gas – Germany, Panel Chair
Speaker from Messer Gas – Germany
Mr. Selim Altunoz, Head of Iron and Steel Sector, Schneider Electric
Coffee Break : 10.40 – 11.00
Panel 3 : 11.00 – 12.30
Raw Materials Technology -Input Efficiency, Electric Steelmaking Technologies and Methods
Dr. Martin Fleischer, Head of Sales Electric Steelmaking, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies, Germany - Panel Chair
Green Technologies for Higher Energy Efficiency in Electric Steelmaking
Mr. Dieter Bettinger, Vice President Energy Efficiency, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies, Austria
Reduce Operating Costs by Energy Recovery Technology: Solutions for Integrated Steel Plants and Mini Mills
Mr. Mohammed Hasan Joulazadeh, Iranian Iron and Steel Society
Productivity Upgrading Measures in EAF Steelmaking Process Speaker from SMS Siemag
Lunch : 12.30 – 13.30
Panel 4 : 13.30-14.30 Steel Application Panel
Mr.Andrea Mazzarano, Steelmarket Development Manager, C-S-M Italy – Panel Chair
Mixing numerical simulation, qualification and industrial application
Mr. Rainer Fackert, Chairman, IMS Gmbh, Germany
X-ray, Isotope and Optical Measuring Systems for the Steel Industry regarding Material Inspection
Mr. Akira Asaka, President, Imtex Corporation, Japan – To be confirmed
Japanese Possibilitie of Cooperation with Turkey in the Field of Forged Steel and Stainless Steel Production
Coffee Break : 14.30 – 15.00 Round Table Meeting Session 15.00 – 18.00
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